The New Hampshire Advocacy Committee meets throughout the year to discuss legislative and regulatory priorities, attend events, and deliberate on policy matters. Membership, free and open to employees and volunteers of CCUA-affiliated credit unions, allows your credit union to have a voice to help shape the local and national credit union advocacy platform.
Bellwether Community Credit Union
Jeff Benson
Jonathan Oglebay
Nathan Saller
Granite State Credit Union
Denise Barstow
Dennis Hebert, Jr
Michelle Plaza
Lisa Reeder
Holy Rosary Credit Union
Brian Hughes, NHCULPAC Trustee
Travis Bissonnette
Ginger Gagne
Kristen Ramsey
Rosemary Shields
Brian Therrien
Marc Velez
Members First Credit Union of New Hampshire
Thomas Andrew
Karl Betz
Bruce Leighton
Northeast Credit Union
Michael Gagnon
Kelly McGrath
Christopher Parker
Andrea Pruna
Service Federal Credit Union
Dan Clarke
Michael Dvorak
Taryn Kayo
Stephanie Kinnett
Michael Mulhern
Fawn Terwilliger
St. Mary's Bank
Ronald Covey, Jr.
Jan Raymond
Kenneth Senus
Leo Simard
Triangle Credit Union
A. Scott MacKnight, CULAC Trustee
Douglas Taylor
Mark Warner
John Ziemba
New Hampshire Retained Lobbyist
Gina Powers
David Collins
RYP Granite Strategies